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Conduct on Buses

Students getting off of bus

While the law requires the school district to furnish transportation, it does not relieve parents of students from the responsibility of supervision until such time the child boards the bus in the morning and after the child leaves the bus at the end of the day.  The law (18A:25-2) does give persons in authority over pupils the right to hold the pupils accountable for disorderly conduct on the way to and from school.

In view of the fact a bus is an extension of the classroom, the Board shall require children to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with established standards for classroom behavior.  In cases when a child does not conduct himself/herself properly on a school bus, such instances are to be brought to the attention of the Building Principal or his/her designee.  The bus driver will notify the Building Administrator by using a written Bus Incident Report.


  • The first formal referral for misconduct on the school bus shall result in a conference with the student and the parent will be contacted. 
  • If a student is formally referred a second time for misconduct on the bus, the student may receive a bus suspension of 1-3 days. The length of the suspension time will be determined by the school administration.  Additional bus discipline referrals may result in a longer bus suspension of up to ten days.  
  • If, in the opinion of the school administrator or his/her designee, a child’s conduct seriously jeopardizes the health and safety of the school bus driver and pupils on the bus, the building Principal or his/her designee may immediately suspend the said child without any prior warning. The length of the suspension time will be determined by the school administration.   
  • If the child continues to present disciplinary problems on the school bus, the Board of Education may consider revoking transportation privileges, via the school bus, for a determined period of time recommended by the Building Principal or his/her designee.
  • When a child is suspended from the school bus, they will not be permitted to ride the regular bus, or the after school bus.  It will be the responsibility of the parents to transport the child to and from school safely.