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Rules for Safe Pupil Transportation

Students boarding bus

Rules For Safe Pupil Transportation

The Transportation Liaison and bus drivers are responsible for the safety, welfare, conduct and control of the pupils they are transporting.  Therefore, the following rules will be strictly enforced:

1. Drivers will maintain their posted schedule as accurately as possible. Students should be at their bus stops ten (10) minutes prior to pickup time.  Drivers will not wait for tardy students.

2. Conduct yourself in a safe manner while waiting, and respect the property of others.

3. Never stand in the roadway while waiting for the bus.

4. Do not move toward the bus at the loading zone until the bus has come to a complete stop and the door has opened.

5. Pupils who must cross the road to board or depart from the bus will cross in front of the bus only on the signal of the bus driver.

6. Pupils will line up single file to get on and off the bus. Crowding and pushing is not permitted.

7. All backpacks are to be worn on and off the bus. While riding, backpacks are to be taken off and kept on your lap or the floor and should remain closed.

8. Aisles are to be kept free from backpacks, books, lunch boxes, etc. (musical instruments will be placed under a seat, or held during the bus trip).

9. When permitted by the bus driver, windows may be opened but no more than six inches.

10. Pupils will only ride their assigned bus.  Any changes must be approved by a building administrator and/or the transportation liaison.

11. Pupils will board and/or depart the bus at their designated bus stop. To leave the bus at any other stop, the pupil must have a note from his/her parent and approval from a building administrator and/or transportation liaison.

It is important to remember that bus riding is a privilege, which may be revoked.  Permission to ride the bus may be taken away for unacceptable/unsafe behavior.