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Transportation Department

Welcome to the Transportation Department!

To get in touch with the Transportation Department call: (609) 296-1719 ext. 1025

Email Michael Cofer, Transportation Supervisor

To contact the bus company directly, call Durham Bus Services at (609) 296-0400.

Transportation Parent Reminders

Important information for you and your student:

Eligibility For Transportation - Transportation is provided for only those students whose legal residence is in Little Egg Harbor Township.  Eligibility is solely based on this legal requirement.  The district will provide each eligible student one round trip daily from a designated bus stop to school and back.

It is the practice of the Little Egg Harbor Board of Education that all students are assigned to only ONE bus. Students must get on and off at their home bus stop, or get on and off at a bus stop for his/her babysitter every day. Students may NOT come to school on one bus and  go home on a different bus.

Address Changes – If during the school year you change your address within the school district, you must go to either the Administration building (307 Frog Pond Road) for a K-6 student OR visit Jackie Harned at ECC for Pre-K students and fill out a change of address form with proof of your new residency. All bus changes take from 24 to 48 hours to process.

Babysitter Forms – Babysitter forms must be renewed each year for bus scheduling purposes. Parents wishing to have their child/children transported to and from a babysitter must complete this form and return it to the Transportation Department by the last day of the school year. If during the school year you need to send your child/children to and from a babysitter or change your child/children’s babysitter, you must go to your child/children’s school(s) and fill out a babysitter form. You may also click here for a printable version of our Babysitter Form. All bus changes take from 24 to 48 hours to process.  Once bus assignments have been completed and bus passes are printed, changes become complicated. Waiting until August/September to make arrangements to have your child ride the school bus to and from a babysitter could result in having your request denied because that particular bus is full.

Day Care Providers - If your child is the responsibility of a daycare provider, we require that day care provider to be at the bus stop with your child in the AM and PM.   

Bus Stop Safety & Reminders


Bus Stop Safety – Both students and parents should wait on the side of the road 3 giant steps from the roadway in a safe area.  Standing or playing in the middle of the street creates a hazard for pedestrians, traffic and oncoming school buses. Always wait until the bus is completely stopped before walking towards the bus. Poor behavior at the bus stop can result in disciplinary action being taken by a school administrator.

Large Projects and large Instruments - Students bringing large projects or large instruments to and from school need to be transported both ways by their parents.

Footwear on the Buses – For the children’s safety, flip-flops or clogs should not be worn to school. Sneakers and shoes that strap to the child’s foot are recommended. Flip-flops and clogs have been known to fall off as a child gets on and off the bus, causing them to trip and possibly be injured.

Driving Your Child To and From School – If you drop off, or pick up, your child at school, you must use the front parking lot and main entrance out front.  Our school buses use the back parking lots to drop off and pickup students.  If you are going on a field trip with your child/children and are parking in the back parking lot when the buses are on site, we ask that you accompany your child/children into the school building.  Also, for the safety of you and your child, we ask that you do not cross between the buses.

Cameras – Durham School Service has equipped certain buses with the capability of carrying a video camera.  As needed, these buses may have a video camera installed for the purpose of video taping students.  This is done to better observe student conduct while riding the bus.

Electronic Devices - Pupils are not permitted to use cellular telephones and other electronic devices while on the school buses and must be kept turned off at all times.


Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures for Our Schools