My Student is New to the District:
All new students need to be registered in our online registration portal. Once your online application is submitted, you will be contacted for a registration appointment. If you are not contacted within two (2) business days of your online registration, or are having a problem with the registration, please contact Gina Hartman at 609-296-1719 Ext. 1018.
The following documents are required to complete the application process and should be brought with you to your registration appointment.
- Birth Certificate
- Driver’s License or Photo ID of guardians
- Transfer card from previous NJ school -OR- copy of withdrawal form from previous out of state school. If your child is starting school for the very first time, this document is not required.
- Latest physical from their doctor
- Current Health Record/Immunization records. (If you do not have one on hand, your family doctor should be able to supply you with a copy.) Please note, if your child is new and has never attended school before or your child is transferring from another school within NJ, your child MAY NOT attend until an immunization record is provided. If your student is transferring in from out of the state or out of the country, you will have a 30 day grace period to submit the immunization records.
- Divorce / Custody / Guardianship papers, if applicable* (*If both parents do not reside with the student, the registering parent MUST provide legal documentation verifying primary residential custody.)
- If student is classified, copy of current IEP
- Proof of Residency: (See below for requirements) Pictures of Envelopes will NOT be accepted as Proof.
Proof of Residency
You MUST provide any ONE of the following, which must include the parent/guardian name and local address:
- A Mortgage Statement
- Property Deed
- Current lease/rental agreement
- Current Tax Bill
You must also provide any TWO of the following, which must include parent/guardian name and local address:
- Current Utility statements (gas, electric, cable)
- Recent Post Office Change of Address Form/Notification
If you cannot provide these documents, please contact Gina Hartman at 609-296-1719 Ext. 1018 or for additional information.
Click here to Register your student